Why I’m Running for Office

My family and I were happy enough just to call Northfield, 'Home', but when we found out that Representative Gerhard was pursuing a run for Sheriff, I felt that I needed to throw my hat in the ring to fight for real Conservative values in Concord.

If you would like to know more about my key issues, please view them here: Policies and Issues.

Thank you for supporting me in the upcoming elections!

Endorsements & Surveys

There are a few liberty-minded organizations that I am grateful have offered me either their endorsement or a high rating on their surveys. I intend to keep these grades as high as possible if elected into office, honoring my commitment to the people of Franklin and Northfield.

New Hampshire Liberty Alliance - Endorsed for 2024
Granite State Taxpayers Gold Award for Survey Response.
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition - A rated survey response.

New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
2024 Candidate Endorsements 

Granite State Taxpayers - Gold Rated
2024 Candidate Survey Results

New Hampshire Firearms Coalition
2024 Primary Election Report Card

A Bit More About Me

Professionally, I have maintained a 20-year career in Analytics, Technical Analysis, Marketing, Product Management, Program Management, and Sales Engineering. For the last 8 years I have been a small business leader, running an agency focusing on other SMBs in a myriad of industries. Seeing the sheer number of businesses close between 2020 and 2023 opened my eyes to the extent at which the government can directly impact people’s livelihoods.

I am also a husband and a father. My wife and I absolutely love living in New Hampshire for the respect it has for family rights, and education freedom. We have seen from second and third-hand accounts what can happen when the state breaks apart families, and why protecting families is essential. We are also grateful that we have numerous education options for our daughter.

Since moving to Northfield, we have taken on a small flock of chickens and guineas as a hobby. It helps us better appreciate our neighbors and the responsibility being good custodians of our property.