About My Key Policy Positions

Throughout my life, my political ideology has been that The State exists within the bounds of The Constitution. It prescribes the legally authorized powers that the state has been delegated and its responsibility to protect our rights and liberties.

  • The core of our government was formed to protect the most important aspect of our culture: Our individual rights and liberties. Protecting these rights is essential to the operation of our Constitutional Republic.

  • The right to defend ourselves, our families, our liberties, and our property is paramount to the security of our state and nation. I will always defend our right to keep and bear arms.

  • For our economy to thrive, I believe we should eliminate unnecessary regulations and barriers to entry for new professionals and businesses. I will support right to work initiatives to keep our State's economy and workforces strong.

  • As a father and husband, I will always fight for the rights of families. This includes the rights of parents to determine the best methods of education for their children. Whether that be public, private, or home schooling.

  • I will fight for state and local governments to be not only fiscally responsible, but uphold their fiduciary responsibilities to their residents. Economical and cost-efficient operation of our government can significantly reduce wasteful spending and prevent over-taxation.

  • For Granite Staters to thrive, I believe that our government should minimize taxation. Every dollar paid in taxes is one less dollar for groceries, rent, mortgages, gas, or other essentials. I will support initiatives to lessen tax burdens for those in need.

  • Our government has an obligation to be transparent in its daily actions at all levels, while being accountable to the people.